General Dentistry

What to Expect at Your First Visit
We perform a comprehensive dental exam with a gentle touch and your comfort always in mind. We believe it is extremely important to get to know and understand each of our patient’s needs and expectations, so we start each first visit off with a comprehensive discussion to learn about you including a review of your dental and medical history. Your first visit also includes: Diagnostic Digital X-Rays for the detection of decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss. X-rays also help determine tooth and root positions. Oral cancer screening. Periodontal (gum) disease evaluation. Tooth decay evaluation .Examination of existing restorations including fillings, implants, bridges & dentures, crowns, and root canals. Professional Cleaning
Our Registered Dental Hygienists perform a three-part professional dental cleaning, which along with consistent daily oral hygiene, helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. It consists of: Removal of tartar, which is the hardened plaque residue that is firmly attached to the tooth surface. It forms above and below the tooth line and can only be removed with special instruments. Removal of plaque, which is a sticky film full of bacteria, food residue, and saliva. Teeth polishing, which completes the hygiene portion of your exam by removing stains and brightening your teeth.

Digital X-Rays
We use digital x-rays instead of conventional x-rays because they are both healthier and more convenient for our patients and produce clearer, more easily read results. Digital x-rays are computer generated, meaning the results are instantaneous, and they produce 90% less radiation than conventional x-rays. In addition, they do not require developing with the caustic and environmentally damaging solutions that more conventional x-rays require. Dental x-rays help to detect problems in the early stages — saving you time, money, and unnecessary discomfort. 

We are a family practice, which means we delight in taking care of your child’s dental needs, and we do our best to make going to the dentist a fun as well as educational experience.  From the waiting room – with special play area – to the actual cleaning and examination, we strive to develop a rapport with your child.  We recognize that a pleasant early association with the dentist means better oral habits and health as the years go by. 

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom tooth extractions are not always necessary, but when they are, we are generally able to do the procedure ourselves without referring you to a specialist. We prescribe oral sedatives for you to take prior and then use a local anesthetic during the procedure. We send you home with detailed instructions about caring for the extraction area and follow up with a phone call within a few hours of the procedure to see how you are doing. 

We also provide the option of conscious sedation with nitrous oxide during procedures.

Periodontal Disease
Because it’s so easy to get and usually painless in early stages, four out of five people have periodontal disease and don’t know it.  In the early stages, it is called gingivitis with its associated tender and bleeding gums, but it can then progress to more serious stages with receding gums, more space between teeth, and ultimately loose or lost teeth from weakened periodontal fibers or bone loss.

Good oral hygiene and regular professional cleanings are key to preventing periodontal disease because plaque and tartar buildup cause pockets to form causing the gums to recede from the teeth. One interesting fact is that it only takes 24 hours for plaque to turn into tartar, the hardened plaque residue that can only be removed with dental instruments. Although good personal hygiene helps, a certain amount of tartar will always inevitably occur.

We are often able to treat periodontal disease with professional cleaning in the early stages, but we may need to perform a deep cleaning that includes scaling and planing for more advanced stages. Scaling removes the tartar from above and below the gum line, and planning smooth’s out the rough spots on the tooth root. Following this procedure, the gum tissue heals and the pockets shrink resulting in healthier gums.

TMJ Disorder and Bruxism
TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, the jaw joint. When it becomes irritated and inflamed, facial pain, headaches, ear pain and jaw popping can occur. We can determine if any pain you may have is related to TMJ Disorder through digital x-rays. 

There are many causes for TMJ Disorder, including stress, injury, and bruxism — the clenching and grinding of your teeth especially while asleep. In most cases, you can get relief through recommended over-the-counter pain relievers, rest and stress reduction techniques. If your pain is caused from bruxism, we can create a custom mouth guard for you to wear at night.